
ARB Distributors Conference

The ARB Mongolia team recently attended the ARB Distributor Conference in Bangkok, Thailand on July 24 and 25th, 2023. The conference was attended by over 30 different countries’ dealers, including some who have been partnered with the brand for more than two decades.

ARB 4×4 accessories are available through a vast network of ARB stores, throughout Australia, as well as distributors in over 100 other countries around the world.

During the conference, attendees had the opportunity to share their experiences and learn about new products developed by the ARB Research and Development team. The team from ARB Australia also presented their latest updates and products, including the Earth Camper, a fully automatic rooftop tent, and a brand-new suspension system.

For ARB Mongolia, the conference was a valuable opportunity to connect with other dealers worldwide and learn about the latest developments in the industry. The team was particularly impressed with the Earth Camper, which they believe will be a popular addition to their product line.

Overall, the ARB Distributor Conference was successful, providing attendees with valuable insights and networking opportunities.


KHMグループ 政治的に安定した成長市場モンゴルへご案内

プレゼンター: 最高経営責任者 バトムンク

  • モンゴル国概要
  • モンゴルのマクロデータおよび、投資環境と有望な市場の紹介

プレゼンター: 創立者/代表取締役会長  デムチグ

  • KHMグループ紹介

曜日: 2022年12月 6日 

時間: 午前 9:30-午後 1:30 

場所: モンゴル大使館 

9:30 ウェルカムトーク

マック 小西, Managing Director of London Intel Ltd. 

9:40  モンゴル国概要 

最高経営責任者 バトムンク 

9:55 モンゴルのマクロデータおよび投資環境有望な市場の紹介 

最高経営責任者 バトムンク 

11:10 コーヒーブレイク 

11:25 KHMの紹介 

創立者/代表取締役会長  デムチグ

11:40 質疑応答

12:00 ネットワーキング・ランチ 


〒150-0047 東京都渋谷区神山町21-4

Registration :


Our employees are planting and growing 680 trees

On the occasion of the “National Tree Planting Day” on October 15, our employees planted trees such as aspen, acacia and gooseberry in the yard of our subsidiary “Engui Undarga” LLC.

We also planted syringa, black alder and dogar trees last spring and they are growing fine. This year, we planted and grew a total of 680 trees, supporting the “Billion Trees” national movement and contributing to the UN’s sustainable development goal to protect the environment. According to the experts, it is important to water the planted trees regularly, protect them and grow them properly.

Trees increase air humidity by 4-7 percent. There are interesting facts that besides reducing noise, trees absorb 50 percent of dust in summer and 40 percent in winter and purify the air.

Let’s plant and grow trees and give a new life to the mother nature.


“KHM – Sports Event” was successfully organized

“KHM – Sports Event” was successfully organized in four categories: chess, basketball, volleyball and table tennis. “Khankhukshin Trading LLC” won the first place in the team overall and became the winner of the transfer cup. “Diamond Construction LLC” took the second place, and “Khankhogshin International LLC” took the third place.

Khankhokshin Group regularly conducts activities aimed at strengthening the organizational culture, developing the team, improving skills, and focusing on their health. “KHM – Sports Event” was organized as part of the declaration of September as “Physical and Sports” month.

table tennis

“Engui undarga” LLC Participated in the exhibition of suppliers

Engui Undarga LLC participated in the event “Suppliers Fair-2022” organized by “Oyu Tolgoi” LLC. The exhibition was held on September 22-23 at the “Shangri-La” hotel

Over 100 Oyu Tolgoi LLC suppliers participated in the Supplier which provided a platform to introduce and display their services and products. It was an opportunity to engage and establish mutual cooperation with the fellow suppliers and service providers.