Business Ethics Policy

Social responsibility

Our goal is to create sustainable and long-term opportunities for our communities to support social and economic development.

We value cooperation and responsibility towards the environment and society in which we operate. For this purpose, we are working on defining the structure of environment, society and governance.

Business Ethics Policy


We believe that consistent adherence to environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards aligns with our business strategy and corporate values ​​and enhances business credibility. We aim to create an accessible environment for our employees to develop. We consider the health and safety of our employees to be of utmost importance, so it is only natural that we adhere to ESG standards. We strive to contribute to the development of a green economy by combating climate change by developing low-carbon infrastructure.

Business Ethics Policy

Equal opportunity and participation

We strive to provide equal opportunity and participation to all employees. We aim to create a free and equal opportunity environment that does not discriminate based on age, gender, family, marital status, race, pregnancy, disability, religion, belief, or sexual orientation.

Business Ethics Policy

Fair competition

We value fair competition and prohibit any unfair practices that could harm the company’s business. Company employees are prohibited from providing internal company confidential information to customers, suppliers and competitors or seeking, receiving or discussing confidential information from competitors. We comply with the Competition Law.

Business Ethics Policy

A commitment to human rights

We respect the rights and dignity of our company’s employees and colleagues. Everyone in the world has a role to play in ending human rights violations such as child labor, forced labor, human trafficking, and slavery. Therefore, if we believe that there is a violation of human rights within the internal operations of the company or our colleagues, we resolve it within the law without delay

Business Ethics Policy

Legal compliance

We work within the framework of the relevant laws and regulations of Mongolia and adhere to the rule of law in all our business dealings. Disciplinary procedures are in place for non-compliance with any laws, standards or policies.

Business Ethics Policy

Freedom of speech

We empower our employees to report any inappropriate behavior at any level of our business without worry. All issues raised in this context will be received and resolved accordingly. Responsible for communicating information about any issues through higher level officials and managers. If it is considered impossible, it will be reported in the “classified report” of the company.